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Call for Volunteers - Subject Matter Experts

Closing date for application to Phase 1 is July 31st 2020.

Ireland’s National Action Plan in response to COVID-19 set out the measures required to contain, delay and mitigate this virus. Our Health and Social Care Services have and will continue to lead the way in driving the public health approach response to COVID-19. While COVID-19 is first and foremost a medical and human challenge, we in the Cyber Security community can do our part in joining this national effort.

Internationally, there have been a number of incidents affecting Health Services since the beginning of this pandemic, including a Ransomware attack on Brno University Hospital in the Czech Republic and a Denial of Service attack on the U.S. Health and Human Services Department. While healthcare services in Ireland have a range of measures in place to prevent such incidents occurring here, the possibility cannot be ruled out.

On that basis, the NCSC is looking for Subject Matter Experts who are willing to volunteer their expertise and time to support the Health Sector in the case of a significant cyber security incident which impacts the Healthcare provider’s ability to deliver critical services. 

This process will work as follows; when we are notified of a cyber security incident in the Health Sector, we will, if called on, match a Subject Matter Expert from an approved panel with the impacted hospital, Healthcare provider or laboratory. You may be asked to attend on-site or remotely, working directly with the Healthcare provider by assisting in the management and response of the cyber security incident.

If you have experience in responding to cyber security incidents, then please consider contributing to this initiative.

How to volunteer?

  1. Please email [email protected] expressing your interest in joining the Subject Matter Expert panel. 
  2. We will send you a volunteer application pack which includes the terms of reference and registration form for the Cyber Assistance Scheme.
  3. Once your application has been confirmed, you’ll be one of the volunteers that may be contacted for incoming requests. The NCSC will pair the healthcare provider to the volunteer that matches best with their needs and will enable the healthcare provider to reach out to you directly.