Cyber Ireland Cluster Development – Update
We have been working hard since the Cluster Initiation Workshops in February on the development of Cyber Ireland, meeting with companies and organisations in the cluster, and promoting Ireland’s Cyber Security Cluster both nationally and internationally, and taking the next steps in the development of the cluster organisation.
Analysing the feedback from the Cluster Initiation Workshop Surveys, we now have an understanding of make-up of the cluster regarding company size, origin, cyber security operations and principal area of activity (see infographic below), which includes over 90 companies, 15 academic organisations and 13 government agencies:

Official Launch

We are delighted to announce the Official Launch of Cyber Ireland, which will take place on May 20th, 2019, at Cork County Hall. The newly selected Cluster Board and Cluster Strategy will be presented on the day. Beginning on the 20th of May, organisations in Ireland’s Cyber Security industry will be able to sign-up and become members of the cluster.
Register for the Official Launch of Cyber Ireland
Cluster Board – We have been working with IDA Ireland to establish the Cluster Board, which is tasked with driving the establishment of the cluster organisation. The cluster board is chosen in the first instance, in line with cluster development best practice, and will fulfill the role for the initiation period of 2 years. We received over 90 nominations for the cluster board from across industry, academia and government and the board will be announced at the Cyber Ireland Official Launch.
Strategy – The four key cluster initiatives of Cyber Ireland are: 1) Talent & Skills, 2) Research, Development & Innovation, 3) Networking & Promotion, and 4) Business Development & Internationalisation. The results from the cluster survey on the cluster initiatives that are of most importance to companies and organisations will set the strategy for Cyber Ireland. A working group will be established to implement the cluster initiatives under these 4 key areas.
Working Groups – Each of the cluster board members will be assigned to lead one of the four working groups. There was similarly huge interest in the Working Groups nominations. The working groups will have an opportunity to input into the initiatives delivered in each of the four key areas. Further information on the development of the working groups will be provided at the Cluster Launch Event.
Recent Events
Cyber Ireland Connects with North European Cyber Clusters in Copenhagen (12/4/2019)
The Northern European Cyber Clusters (NECC) promotes information security and cybersecurity-related cooperation and collaboration in the Northern European region in order to enhance integration into the European Digital Single Market. Its members include cyber security clusters, companies and research institutes from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Estonia and Lithuania. This cluster-to-cluster collaboration model supports the EU’s contractual Public Private Partnership (cPPP), creates business opportunities and explores common research interests.
Cyber Ireland was invited to present to the NECC meeting on Friday 12th of April, and has made links with the Nordic clusters, some of whom have already expressed an interest in identifying Irish partners for H2020 proposals. If any Irish companies or organisations are interested in connections, companies or research organisations in these countries, please let us know so that we can make introductions.
Cyber Ireland Industry Forum on Cyber Security at IEEE World Forum on IoT, University of Limerick (16/4/2019)
The IEEE 5th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT) was held at the University of Limerick on the 15th – 18th of April. To highlight the exciting Cyber Security R&D applied to the Internet of Things, Cyber Ireland organised an Industry Forum on Tuesday 16th April. The three industry speakers provided fascinating examples of the importance of cyber security to IoT and was chaired by Dr Donna O’Shea, lecturer at Cork Institute of Technology.
- Talk 1 – “How Can Ireland Position Itself as a Global Cyber Security Leader?”, Dr Eoin Byrne, Cyber Ireland
- Talk 2 – “IoT Benefits and Security Challenges”, Dr Andrew Byrne, Dell EMC Research Europe
- Talk 3 – “A Model for Detecting Malicious Activities in Cyber Physical Systems”, Dr Satyanarayana Vuppala, United Technologies Research Center, Ireland
- Talk 4 – “IoT Kill Chain and Symbiotic Relationships”, Eoin Carroll, Senior Vulnerability Researcher, McAfee Advanced Threat Research
Cyber Security at Cork Chamber April Business Breakfast 2019 in Partnership with the Chartered Accountants Cork Society (9/4/2019)

(At the Metropole Hotel for the April Cork Chamber/Irish Examiner business breakfast were, from left: Ronan McManamy, managing director, Irish Examiner/The Echo, Ronan Murphy, guest speaker and CEO, Smarttech247, Bill O’Connell, President, Cork Chamber, Mike Harris, partner at Grant Thornton, Nicola Quinn, Chairperson of the Chartered Accounts Cork Society and Dr Eoin Byrne, manager at Cyber Ireland. Photo: Dan Linehan)
Dr. Eoin Byrne, Cluster Manager of Cyber Ireland, presented insights into the growth of Ireland’s cyber security industry and the opportunity to make Ireland a global cyber security leader. Ronan Murphy, CEO Smarttech, and Mike Harris, Partner Grant Thornton, explained the cyber security threat landscape and practical steps companies can take to protect against cyber attacks.
National Cyber Security Strategy Public Consultation

The 2015 National Cyber Security Strategy established an initial set of measures, and has led to the ongoing development of the National Cyber Security Centre and new legislatively based approach to the protection of critical national infrastructure. Ireland’s next Cyber Security Strategy is currently out for Public Consultation and includes 10 specific questions, seeking responses and ideas as to how the State can respond to all of these issues – both threats and opportunities. The key themes selected to shape the strategic approach to Cyber Security in Ireland are ‘Protect’, ‘Develop’ and ‘Engage’ and the 10 questions are organised as such.
Any person or organisation can make a representation in relation to the draft consultation document. For further information and to make a submission as part of this consultation, please visit:
The deadline for submissions is close of business on Wednesday 1st May 2019
Skills – New Cyber Security Apprenticeship launched by FIT:
Opportunity for Employers

There is a global shortage of cyber security skills and this is reflected in the number of cyber security job openings in Ireland also. To address the many unfilled entry-level cyber security roles in Ireland Fastrack to Information Technology (FIT) is running a new Cyber Security Apprenticeship in Cork and Dublin commencing in May/June 2019. Apprentices will complete the apprenticeship programme which is two years in duration, to gain an Advanced Certificate in Cybersecurity at Level 6 in the National Framework of Qualifications.
The FIT Cybersecurity Apprenticeship is the third in a series that have been developed by FIT and delivered in partnership with Educating and Training Boards. The initial two in software development and network engineering are already up and running in Dublin and Cork and expanding rapidly. If you are an employer interested in tapping into this valuable skills pipeline and taking on an apprentice, contact FIT:
Research – Four EU pilot projects launched to prepare the European Cybersecurity Competence Network (with 2 Irish Partners)
CONCORDIA, Cybersec4Europe, Echo and SPARTA, have been funded under a H2020 call on “establishing and operating a pilot for a European Cybersecurity Competence Network and developing a common European Cybersecurity Research & Innovation Roadmap”. Irish partners participating in two of these projects include:

Two researchers from the Irish Software Research Centre, LERO, Dr Liliana Pasquale of University College Dublin (UCD) and Prof Bashar Nuseibeh of University of Limerick (UL), will oversee an Irish team for the CyberSec4Europe project.

Maynooth University is a partner on the ECHO project.