Dublin Chapter
The Dublin Chapter is our newest chapter established in 2021. The Dublin Chapter will provide a forum for the cyber security community in Dublin to come together and link with our national activities, as well as work to solve cyber security challenges within the region.
Dublin Chapter Leads
Dublin Chapter Podcast
As part of their launch, the chapter released their own podcast reviewing cyber security reports. The first episode focuses on the Cyber Ireland State of the Cyber Security Sector in Ireland 2022 report.
Cyber Tuesday March
The Cyber Ireland Dublin Chapter host March’s Cyber Tuesday as part of its official launch. Titled Cyber Careers: Our Stories, speakers discussed their job roles, shared their experiences with the audience and offered advice on how to succeed in cyber security.
Join the Dublin Chapter
If you would like to join the Dublin Chapter please get in touch, we are always looking for new leads from different backgrounds. Whether you are an early career professional or in senior management, are technical or non-technical, diversity is key.
Send us an email to Dr Eoin Byrne, Cluster Manager [email protected]
Our working groups, events and activities are open to Cyber Ireland members only. For more information on membership visit our Membership Page.