Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) support services

OPEN Tender Procedure (3 LOTS)
LOT 1 – Provision of expert monitoring and collection services
Maximum budget: € 1.400.000,00 over 4 years
  • Define and review Data Collection requirements: Define and specify the data collection requirements necessary to support the Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) and Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) efforts. Identify the precise data sources essential for fulfilling the intelligence objectives and determine the sources from which this data will be sourced.
  • Collection planning and Validation mechanism: Develop a detailed plan linking the intelligence objectives with appropriate data sources. A formal validation mechanism, subject to ENISA’s approval, must be established to incorporate any additional sources the contractor proposes.
LOT 2 – Provision of CTI analysis support services
Maximum budget: € 1.500.000,00 over 4 years
  • Daily Monitoring: Employ advanced tools and methodologies to conduct comprehensive daily monitoring across both open and closed sources.
  • Level-One (L1) Intelligence Reporting: Perform basic-level analysis of the collected cyber events. This includes tagging each event with relevant details such as country, sector, threat actor, EU relevancy score (methodology to be provided by ENISA), threat type, etc. and a brief description of the event. The analysed data will serve as input to a variety of tailored reports.
  • Daily Delivery of Cyber Event Bundles: Deliver a daily bundle of cyber events to ENISA, compiled from the monitoring tasks and the Level-One (L1) Intelligence Reporting. This bundle will include cyber events shared in open sources and threat reports from vendors, accompanied by a basic level of data ingestion as outlined in the First Level Intelligence Reporting section.
LOT 3 – Acquisition of licenses and subscriptions for cyber threat intelligence feeds and platforms
Maximum budget: € 700.000,00 over 4 years
The service provider will be tasked with provisioning CTI licenses and subscriptions on behalf of the Agency. Each year, the Agency and the provider will agree on the list of subscriptions and licenses to be acquired
Each of the 3 LOTs will conclude with a single framework contract. Tenderers are welcome to bid for one or more LOTs.
700.000 - 1.400.000,00
4 years