Programme: Digital Europe Programme
Call: Cyber Security and Trust DIGITAL-ECCC-2022-CYBER-03
The Digital Europe Programme aims to accelerate the economic recovery and shape the digital transformation of Europe’s society and economy, bringing benefits to everyone, but in particular to small and medium-sized enterprises.
Outcomes and Deliverables of This Call:
The funding is expected to:
- Strengthen national cybersecurity certification authorities, conformity assessment bodies and accreditation bodies.
- Improve the cybersecurity and interoperability testing capabilities in all Member States, including in the area of 5G disaggregated and open solutions.
- Support SMEs to audit their infrastructure in view of improving their cybersecurity protection.
- Support actions in the area of standardisation.
The objective of this topic is to increase and facilitate security and interoperability testing capabilities and certification of connected ICT systems. This aims to improve the capabilities and cooperation of cybersecurity certification stakeholders in line with the objectives of Regulation (EU) 2019/881 (“Cybersecurity Act”).