Welcome to Cyber Ireland’s  New Members!

Upcoming Events

TI Series. 8th Session: Threat Hunting and Playbooks

Threat hunting and PlaybooksIn our 8th Session of our TI Series, Ismael Valenzuela and Carlos Diaz from McAfee, will present on “Threat Hunting and Playbooks” on the 30th June.

Cyber Ireland & Edgescan: Ethical Hacking 101

ethical hackingExplore the hacker mentality, how they identify and target vulnerabilities in organisations and how they carry out the attack on the 7th July.  

Talent & Skills

Official Launch of National Cyber Skills Project

Cyber Ireland was delighted to participate in the Cyber Skills Project official launch (1/6/21) by Munster Technology University and it’s academic partners Technological University Dublin, University of Limerick, University College Dublin, and the Commonwealth Cyber Initiative based in Virginia Tech in the US.

Three academic pathways have been developed with Dell Technologies and Mastercard that include certificates in Secure Network Operations, Secure Software Development, and Secure Software Architecture

See the Press Release or watch the Launch on Youtube

18 Cyber Security Courses Funded By Government

Over 10,000 Springboard+, 1,800 Human Capital Initiative and 1,000 ICT conversion places are on offer for 2021, from Wednesday the 16th June. These courses are:

  • free for the unemployed, previously self-employed & returners to the workforce
  • free for employed people on NFQ Level 6 courses
  • 90% subsidised for employed participants on courses NFQ level 7 – 9

There are 18 cyber security courses funded in Higher Education Institutions nationwide. See the list of Cybersecurity courses here
For the full list of courses and application information see here

Cyber Security Academy Summer Camp Training the Next Generation of Cyber Talent

Our Cyber Security Academy for Teenagers ran the week of the 8th of June and hosted 97 secondary school students from across Ireland. As part of the academy students learnt Linux, networking, security, cryptography, and ethical hacking skills over 4 days, with career talks from the Garda National Crime Bureau, Security Professionals, and Industry. On the final day, students participated in a Capture-the-Flag (CTF) event organised by Zero Days CTF.

The Cyber Security Academy is jointly led by Cyber Ireland and Cyber Skills, funded by SFI. A special thanks to our industry sponsors CMS Distribution, Fidelity Investments, Huawei, Qualcomm, VMware, Zurich Insurance.

There’s lots more to come this year including Cyber Career Talks and the National Secondary Schools Cyber Security Challenge in October. If your organisation would like to get involved please contact Aoife Long (Cyber Skills) and Mark Lane (ZeroDays).

Cyber Women Ireland – Diver{Se}curity Report 2021

Have you read the Cyber Women Ireland “Diver{Se}curity Report” yet? The main goal of the report is to start a conversation around the topics covered and make steps toward positive change. Moreover, the report is presented in a digital interactive version which makes the reading easy going and enjoyable.

New Job Posts

Find more open roles HERE

Research & Development

Workshop: Cyber Security Opportunities in Horizon Europe

Security is one of the main concerns for Europe’s governments, organisations and citizens and is therefore among the top priorities for the European Commission’s Horizon Europe Programme. Our aim is to support Cyber Ireland members in navigating the EU R&D landscape and increasing participation in projects.

To do so, Cyber Ireland hosted a Workshop with advice and tips on developing a proposal, identifying funding calls, finding project partners and what to watch out for. For further information on workshop, the recording and speaker presentations see our blog post

Successful Irish Projects in Connecting Europe Facility

Last September we ran a Workshop on the Connecting Europe Facility on cyber security deployment & capability building. €11m in new projects has been awarded with two successful Irish applications from the Central Bank on Cyber Information and Intelligence Sharing and Dublin City University on a European Digital Media Observatory on disinformation. More Info

Grow & Export

Global Epic Cyber Ireland

Expand your business internationally through our Soft Landing Programme

During the last GE SLP webinar on 9 June, the Centre for Secure information Technologies (CSIT) and the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) presented on what their ecosystems have to offer to cybersecurity companies. The next SLP Webinar will take place on the 15th September and offers our members, Irish companies and entrepreneurs, a unique opportunity to ‘soft land’ for a trial period in the market of one of these ecosystems at no cost. More Info

Recent Events

Operations Technology Security Group (OTSec) LaunchOT Sec Working Group
Official Launch

– Watch on YouTube
– Complete the survey

TI Series - 7th SessionThreat Intell Series
Phase 2: Implementation
Session 7: The Pathway to a Successful Threat Intelligence Function

– Watch on YouTube

More Events

See all cyber security events on the event calendar and members can add their events by contacting [email protected]