NEWSLETTER | March– Marthá 2020

Cyber security matters more than ever during the coronavirus pandemic with fraud, cyber crime and cyber-attacks becoming more prevalent. This poses an increased risk to:
  • critical sectors for public health and the economy such as utilities, telecoms & healthcare
  • companies and employees who have moved to remote working and depend on digital infrastructure
  • for all citizens who rely on digital tools to work, communicate and carry-on daily activities during these difficult times.

How can Cyber Ireland support during COVID-19?

The coronavirus has had, and will continue to have, an impact on our members and the wider community. In this Newsletter we are setting out our Response to COVID-19, asking how can we support our members and how can the Cyber Security Community play our part.

1. Suporting Our Members

Due to the coronavirus restrictions in place, we are postponing

  • Regional Cyber Ireland meet-ups
  • Capture the Flag Events Cork & Galway

We are exploring online delivery for these events. We will continue working on our cluster initiatives, while exploring new ways we can provide value to our members during this period.

To help us understand your challenges & needs during COVID-19, please complete our short (7 Question) Survey

Resources for members:

2. Providing Cyber Security Resources & Information

We aim to provide a central resource on cyber security information and updates for companies during the Coronavirus pandemic through:

Cyber Ireland is also exploring the opportunity to promote cyber security &  our members’ expertise during COVID-19, by collaborating with a number of industry associations.

If your organisation has relevant cyber security expertise that you would like to share through our website, social media or on Webinars, please complete the survey below or send to: [email protected]

3. Playing Our Part – Join the #CyberSolidarity Call

Taking the lead from Italy (, we are calling on Cyber Ireland members to provide relevant products, services or expertise for free to companies and/or citizens during COVID-19. 

Many of your organisations may already be providing free products, services or advice. If so, please let us know so we can highlight and co-ordinate the cyber security community’s response to COVID-19.

Start-Up News


The London Office for Rapid Cybersecurity Advancement (LORCA) is looking to support fast-growing technology and cybersecurity companies that want to scale both in the UK and globally, as well as achieve a better product-market fit. The programme is open to international applicants that have solutions to LORCA’s three innovation themes: Connected Economy, Connected Everything and Connected Everyone.
 More information can be found here:


What's Going on in Cyber

Cyber Ireland – Cyber Wales Event, 11th March, Dublin

See our Cluster-to-Cluster Event Round-up & Podcast interview here & Summary Video

International Fraud Prevention Conference

At IFP 2020 in Corke Park, Minister Paschal Donohoe highlighted Ireland’s  growing reputation as a Cybersecurity centre of excellence. We were delighted to present and hear the many perspectives from industry and government on the war against fraud and cyber crime that respects no borders.

Meets-Up & Events

The following security meet-ups & events are planned/postponed for April: