- critical sectors for public health and the economy such as utilities, telecoms & healthcare
- companies and employees who have moved to remote working and depend on digital infrastructure
- for all citizens who rely on digital tools to work, communicate and carry-on daily activities during these difficult times.
How can Cyber Ireland support during COVID-19?
1. Suporting Our Members
Due to the coronavirus restrictions in place, we are postponing
- Regional Cyber Ireland meet-ups
- Capture the Flag Events Cork & Galway
We are exploring online delivery for these events. We will continue working on our cluster initiatives, while exploring new ways we can provide value to our members during this period.
To help us understand your challenges & needs during COVID-19, please complete our short (7 Question) Survey
Resources for members:
IDA Ireland COVID-19 Updates & Supports – https://www.idaireland.com/
how-we-help/update-on-covid-19 Enterprise Ireland COVID-19 Business Response Plan https://www.enterprise-
ireland.com/en/about-us/ services/covid-19/
2. Providing Cyber Security Resources & Information
We aim to provide a central resource on cyber security information and updates for companies during the Coronavirus pandemic through:
- Our New Webpage – ‘Cyber Resources’
- Webinars
- Social Media
If your organisation has relevant cyber security expertise that you would like to share through our website, social media or on Webinars, please complete the survey below or send to: [email protected]
3. Playing Our Part – Join the #CyberSolidarity Call
Taking the lead from Italy (https://bit.ly/2Ub6KOY), we are calling on Cyber Ireland members to provide relevant products, services or expertise for free to companies and/or citizens during COVID-19.
Start-Up News
More information can be found here: lorca.co.uk/apply
- ECSO Cyber Investor Days Brussels –Deadline extend (6th April) & Going Digital – https://www.ecs-org.eu/agenda#
cyber-investor-days-in- brussels
- EU Cyber Security start-ups to watch – https://www.eu-startups.com/
2020/03/10-promising- cybersecurity-startups-to- watch-in-2020/
- The fastest growing cyber security companies from the list ‘FT 1000: Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies 2020’ https://www.ft.com/
content/691390ca-53d9-11ea- 90ad-25e377c0ee1f

What's Going on in Cyber
International Fraud Prevention Conference

Meets-Up & Events
The following security meet-ups & events are planned/postponed for April:
- Security BSides Dublin 2020 [Postponed], 28 March 2020 – https://www.bsidesdub.ie/
- Cork|Sec 82 – 7:00 PM 14th April, 2020, An Spailpin Fanach, Cork – https://www.meetup.com/
CorkSec/events/265337776/ - Irish Information Security Forum Chapter Meeting, 16th April – https://www.iisf.ie/page/art/
147/0 - InfoSec Dublin [Cancelled] – 6.30pm, 23rd April at the Central Hotel, Dublin – https://www.meetup.com/
InfoSec-Dublin/events/ tmrtrqybcgbfc/