What’s going on in cyber?
Every month there are numerous cyber security conferences, events and meet-ups happening nationwide. In September we attended a number of conferences, events and breakfast briefings, including (and we didn’t get a chance to attend many others):
- Launch of the National Security Summit Ireland – Slándáil 2020 (25th)
- FutureSec Conference in Cork (24th)
- Digital Summit at the Convention Centre, Dublin (20th)
- Secure Computing Forum, at the RDS (12th)
To promote Cyber Security Month this October, we’re putting together a “What’s Going on in Cyber Security” brochure to promote all the Cyber Security Groups, Conferences, Events,and Online Communities across the country. If you are involved in any cyber security groups/meet-ups or run events and think it should be included in the brochure please let us know. Our aim is to better promote and support the various cyber security activities on-going around the country.
Welcome to Cyber Ireland’s New Members!
Four months in and over 110 organisations have joined the Cluster! We’d like to welcome our new members over the past month:
For any organisations that haven’t signed up to become members, you can find more information on membership at the link below.
talent & Skills
- Technology Ireland ICT Skillnet Training Needs Survey 2019: What are your training needs and priorities? https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FDMGKT2
- CJH Networks and Immersive Labs UK have provided a demo of the Immersive Labs cyber security exercises at https://lite.immersivelabs.com/demo?partnerId=CJH-Network Full version contains more than 600 exercises and caters for all levels of expertise.
Feature – Cyber4Women, an initiative helping migrant women break into the cybersecurity industry
This month we want to highlight an initiative run by Techfindr’s
Dina Vyapuri which is helping qualified migrant women to upskill and
find employment in cyber security roles.
Migrants have diverse skillsets and experiences that can benefit any
business and many of them want to contribute to the Irish economy. The
initiative’s aim is to encourage diversity and inclusion within the
Cyber Security industry and tackle the Talent / Skills shortage at the
same time. It gives businesses an opportunity to create a positive,
diverse and multicultural workplace and at the same time will empower a
migrant by nurturing their talent, further developing their skills so
they reach their full potential.
Cyber4women has just finished workshops with the Immigrant Council of
Ireland as its first pilot training scheme. Now at interview and
screening stages, successful applicants will be assigned to relevant
training to begin in January of next year. The trainees come from
diverse backgrounds, such as a Cyber Psychologist, Solicitors, Software
Developers, Software Testers, Civil Engineers, Project Managers, Data
Analytics, System Analyst, Software sales.
The initiative provides training to migrant women on SOC, GDPR, IT
Compliance & Risks, Penetration Testing, Project Management and
Cyber Security awareness. Get in touch with Cyber4Women for more
information on how to get involved: [email protected]
Cyber Security Month this October:
Conferences & Events
Cyber Security Events aren’t just happening in Dublin & Cork. So why
not head on a Cyber Roadtrip this October to see what’s happening
across the country:
- ISACA Ireland Mid-West Conference (11th October), Limerick – Info and Registration
- BPFI Cyber Conference 2019 (15th October) – Banking & Payments Federation Ireland (BPFI) will host a half day Cyber Conference, in Dublin – Info and Registration
- IISF October Meet-up Cork (17th October) Irish Information Security Forum are hosting their October Event in Cork at Johnson Controls – Info and Registration
- ITAG Cyber Summit 2019 ‘Secure World’ (24th October), Galway: Security experts discuss and showcase the future of infosec and the next generation of offensive and defensive security technology. Galway – Info and Registration
- Logicalis (3rd October) – “Evolving to a Next-Gen SOC making security an enabler for your organisation”, Aviva Stadium, Dublin – Info and Registration
- Cyber Security Briefing (3rd October) MidWest Business-2-Business, Nenagh – Info and Registration
- CyberProtect (9th October) Practical Cyber Protection Tips for small business owners, Portlaoise, – Info and Registration
- Limerick CSF – Attention all Munster Digital Security professionals! The Limerick Cyber Security Forum meets up in Limerick city once every two to three months. Two experts will be on hand to give talks on a variety of digital security topics followed by round table discussions amongst all attendees. The event is held in a private room in 101 O’Connell Street in the heart of Limerick city with finger food provided and occurs mid-week (Tuesday or Thursday). Details of when our next event will occur can be found here https://www.meetup.com/meetup-group-LimerickCSF/