What is Cork Sec?
Simply put CorkSec is a monthly meetup (running since 2013) for anyone interested in Information Security in the Munster region (primarily Cork). Regardless of whether you identify yourself as an InfoSec Professional, a Hacker, a Researcher, a Student or just someone with an interest in breaking things to see how they work / stopping people breaking things to see how they work – all are welcome, and please invite your like-minded friends.
TALK 1: Intro to CTI: Part 1: What & Why of CTI – Bob McArdle
In the first of a series of talks on Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) we will start off with the basics, WHAT is CTI + WHY is it a useful field to be familiar with? One of the most applicable fields in Security today, but one that’s often done with people following some simple best practices. We’ll cover both these topics, with some hands on examples that will get some useful skills to apply by the end of the talk. In future sessions we’ll then go onto cover the HOW of CTI, and common Frameworks to be familiar with.