Tickets are now available for IISF Chapter meeting and table quiz.
Presentation: David Lomax of Abnormal Security will be making a presentation on Digital Identity
Followed by their always popular table quiz. Teams of up to four people.
A critical problem in cyberspace is knowing with whom one is interacting. Using only static identifiers such as password and email, there is no way to precisely determine the identity of a person in cyberspace because this information can be stolen or used by many individuals acting as one. Digital identity based on dynamic entity relationships captured from behavioral history across multiple websites and mobile apps can verify and authenticate an identity with up to 95% accuracy.
Running Order
16:30: Welcome Address
16:40: Presentation: Digital Identity
17:15: Group Q&A Session
17:40: Close & Preparations for Quiz
18:00: QUIZ ****
20:30: Close & Networking