DEP Capacity Building of Security Operation Centres (SOCs)

Programme: Digital Europe Programme

Call: Cybersecurity and Trust (DIGITAL-ECCC-2022-CYBER-03)

The Digital Europe Programme aims to accelerate the economic recovery and shape the digital transformation of Europe’s society and economy, bringing benefits to everyone, but in particular to small and medium-sized enterprises.

Outcomes and Deliverables of This Call:

  1. Several cross-border platform(s) for pooling data on cybersecurity threats between several Member States, equipped with highly secure infrastructures and advanced data analytics tools;
  2. World-class Security Operation Centres across the Union strengthened with state-of-the-art technology in areas such as AI;
  3. Sharing of Threat Intelligence between Security Operation Centres, and information sharing agreements with competent authorities and CSIRTs;
  4. Threat intelligence and situational awareness capabilities supporting strengthened collaboration in the framework of the Blueprint/CyCLONe and the Joint Cybersecurity Unit, as well as with law enforcement and defence.

The objective will be to create, support and/or strengthen and interconnect SOCs at regional, national and EU level. This will allow for reinforced capacities to monitor and detect cyber threats, the creation of collective knowledge and sharing of best practices.

In addition, data and capacities related to cybersecurity threat intelligence will be brought together from multiple sources (such as CSIRTs and other relevant cybersecurity actors) through cross-border platforms across the EU. The use of state-of-the-art AI, machine learning capabilities and common infrastructures will make it possible to more efficiently and more rapidly share and correlate the signals detected, and to create high-quality threat intelligence for national authorities and other stakeholders, thus enabling a fuller situational awareness and a more rapid reaction.
