Enterprise Ireland Innovation Voucher Programme

The Enterprise Ireland Innovation Voucher Programme was developed to build links between Ireland’s publicly funded Knowledge Providers and small and medium-sized businesses.

Innovation Vouchers worth €5,000 are available to assist a company or companies to explore a business opportunity or problem with a registered knowledge provider.

Innovation is essential to stay ahead in competitive and fast-changing markets. But, you might lack the time or know-how to develop the types of innovative solutions that could set your business apart. That’s where Innovation Vouchers from Enterprise Ireland come in. Each Innovation Voucher gives you €5,000 worth of time with an expert, third-level researcher to help you tease out an idea, develop a new product, or crack an important business or technical challenge.

What Can an Innovation Voucher Be Used For?

Innovation Vouchers can be used for any kind of innovation such as:

new product/process development;
new business model development;
new service delivery and customer interface;
new service development;
tailored training in innovation management;
innovation/technology audit.

