Northwest Chapter & TCS run Cyber Escape Room & Cyber Crisis Simulation at ISACA Northwest Event for TY Students

By Timothy Kelley, Strategic Head, TMC UKI & Europe

Cyber Escape Room

In the Escape Room, the students were in 5 groups of 5, each to a role, HR, PR/Marketing, Operations, Legal, and Finance. Each group works the challenge, comes up with answer, gets a code, the code opens a lock to a 2nd lock box with another challenge. That challenge solution gives a code to a lock box with 6 padlocks. All six padlocks have to be opened to win. A sixth group, IT, and its challenges are given to the first team to finish, and when each group finishes, they lean in and help other groups, just like in a crisis.

TCS Ireland Cyber Security Practice Tim Kelley and Paul Cullen joined with PGIM, ISACA, Atelnatic Tehnological University (ATU) and others to deliver a cyber education event for transition years from 10 local schools on behalf of the Ireland Northwest Chapter on Thursday, the 12th of October. The Escape Room model concept we leveraged was developed by Munster Technological University (MTU). We were introduced to the model thru TCS Ireland co-leadership of Cyber Ireland Northwest Chapter, and part of TCS leadership role in talent development in the Northwest Skills Initiative.

TCS Mini Cyber Incident Tabletop Exercise

With the escape room completed, the students are well acclimated to their roles on teams. We use this opportunity to introduce the roles of those teams in a cyber crisis, and priorities for crisis response in those roles of a crisis management team.

 We set a crisis scenario, and work with students on timed and information limited responses to triggers in the crisis, based on situation development injects.

 It was a great occasion and opportunity to introduce career options, stimulate interest, and demonstrate the variety of careers, as well as highlight security practices and keeping themselves safe.